Photo by Ben Wicks on Unsplash
Net zero emission is the driving force behind achieving sustainability goals, and it is needed more than ever. Moving towards renewable energy sources and decarbonization of energy systems has become important because it is already affecting the ecosystem and our health.
To help you stay on the same page, we have crafted a blog that covers the aspects of renewable energy, and decarbonization, along with the role of the Li-ion battery system, the transition to EVs, and modernization in energy storage systems.
Decarbonization- The need for this?
In simple words, decarbonization is the process of reducing CO2 emissions using low fossil-powered sources and adopting renewable energy sources.
The concept of zero net emission is when the amount of CO2 released is equal to the amount of CO2 removed from the atmosphere and this is the ultimate goal which is very important for meeting sustainable energy goals. According to the Paris Agreement, it is crucial to limit global warming to 1.5°C above the industrial levels in order to achieve net zero emissions.
The Role of Renewable Energy in Decarbonization
Photo by Antonio Garcia on Unsplash
Renewable energy sources like Solar and Wind are playing an important role in decarbonization. Let’s discuss this and see how well it is playing that role.
The expansion of Renewable energy sources
Energy sources like wind, solar, and hydro are acting as the spine in the movement of sustainable energy solutions. Such sources are abundant, cost-effective, and important because they emit no greenhouse gasses. Due to this, policymakers all over the world are investing in these technologies for expansion and to replace traditional fossil-dependent energy sources.
Wind and solar
Out of these 3 energy sources, wind and solar are the ones that are getting more attention. These sources have changed the energy generation concept and marked remarkable advancements over the past years. State-of-the-art modern tech stack has made these sources economical solutions and extremely competitive. According to the IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency) report, the production capacity of solar and wind have increased significantly, with figures of 22% and 10% respectively.
Lithium-ion is moving toward net zero
Photo by Kumpan HYPERLINK
Lithium-ion technology is a game changer, providing undefined results when combined with renewable sources. Batteries made from Li-ion are a critical component from household equipment to industrial-grade applications such as EVs and grid storage. Features such as high energy density, long battery cycles, and low costs make Li-ion a perfect solution for driving into sustainability. This revolution is important for energy storage, allowing us to reach the net zero goal in the future.
Current advancements in Lithium-ion technology
The latest research and advancement development in this technology is driving the market. Technology such as solid-state batteries, which replace liquid electrolytes with solid ones, promises to improve safety and increase energy density.
Innovations like these are essential for energy storage, allowing for efficient distribution of energy among consumers.
Transition towards EVs to reduce reliance on fossil fuels
EVs have always been and will always be the top choice when talking about energy transition. The traditional petrol cars are being replaced with modern electric vehicles and this shift is acting as a cornerstone for reducing carbon emissions. Since there are no tailpipe emissions in EVs, the transition to electric vehicles is becoming an essential tool for achieving the decarbonization target.
Infrastructure development for EVs
Governments worldwide are incentivizing EV adoption through major tax rebates, subsidies, and investments in EV infrastructure. For example, the EU has set ambitious goals of bringing 30 million EVs by the end of 2030. Similarly, in the United States, the Biden administration has developed a plan to dedicate funding towards EV charging networks all over the country.
Lithium-ion and EVs- A perfect combination
Li-ion is the backbone of EV technology. With the advancements in Li-ion battery technology, electric vehicles are getting constant upgrades such as improved driving range, regen braking, and improved charging time, along with cost-effectiveness, making the transition from gas to electric cars an optimum solution for the general public.
The future of renewable energy storage
Photo by Thomas
The future of energy storage looks promising due to ongoing research/development in this niche. Here is what to expect with this advancement.
Beyond lithium energy- Exploring new options
Yes, Li-ion batteries are the cornerstone of the energy storage landscape, But, new technology is being developed to address the challenges associated with Li-ion tech stack and support a broader range of applications. Some of the advancements in storage include
- Solid-state batteries
- Flow batteries
- Hydrogen storage
These technologies are not only improving grid reliability but also helping in renewable energy expansion.
Renewable energy with modernized storage solutions
Integrating storage solutions such as solid-state batteries, and flow batteries with solar and wind energy are changing the way we produce electricity. The combination enables us to develop smart grid solutions that not only monitor energy consumption but also allow robust grid stability, reducing the risk of total blackouts and voltage fluctuations.
However, in order to achieve this goal, it is important for governments to develop policies to support future energy storage technologies. The policies should contain concise guidelines, incentives, and support for research and development.
Pathway towards Net Zero- Is it a collaborative effort
Navigating towards the goal of net zero is not the work of a single entity. It is a collaborative effort between borders that will share practices, technological advancements, and resources to boost the transition. Corporations and tech-savvy also play a crucial part in this transition. There is a dire need for them to work with international bodies to reduce their carbon footprint and develop solutions that support clean energy initiatives.
The conference (Rotterdam26th World Energy Congress) is one of the perfect examples of the collaborative approach. This green tech conference involved energy industry players and governments who discussed the future of sustainability.
The bottom line is, that a combined effort is needed to ensure that our future generations experience a world free from carbon footprint. Energy storage summits like Rotterdam26th should be held to address the concerns and solutions related to renewable energy because this is the only way to see what our leaders are doing to prevent disastrous mishaps.